Model ID: 2b7529e5-c9dd-41c7-9ad2-85cf28e81b5f Sitecore Context Id: 438532aa-cd14-4994-9e9b-b29af8de9f34;

NTUC partners Grant Thornton to prepare businesses and workers for the green economy

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Model ID: 2b7529e5-c9dd-41c7-9ad2-85cf28e81b5f Sitecore Context Id: 438532aa-cd14-4994-9e9b-b29af8de9f34;

• The partnership is in support of The Singapore Green Plan 2030; driving industry transformations, creating new jobs and facilitating a just transition for workers

• The MOU between NTUC and Grant Thornton aims to support and recognise companies for their sustainability efforts

In commemoration of World Environment Day (5 June) today, the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Grant Thornton, a professional service firm with a global presence spanning over 170 markets. The partnership with Grant Thornton contributes to NTUC’s efforts in supporting companies to drive business transformation through Company Training Committees (CTCs), while facilitating upskilling for workers. This is part of NTUC’s efforts to help provide a just transition for workers into new jobs or roles within the green economy.

The MOU signing ceremony took place at an event highlighting business and workforce resilience in the green economy. The MOU was signed by Mr Tan Chee Wee, Director of NTUC Industry Training and Transformation (IT&T) and Ms Belinda Tan, CEO of Grant Thornton. The ceremony was witnessed by Guest-of-Honour NTUC Deputy Secretary-General Mr Desmond Tan and Mr Chetan Hans, Partner of Grant Thornton.

Addressing the Push and Pull Factors in the Green Economy

The partnership with Grant Thornton also signifies NTUC’s commitment to addressing the concerns and challenges in the green sector, as identified in the NTUC’s #EveryWorkerMatters Conversations (EWMC) report1 . The report outlined qualitative

findings where workers expressed concerns about how existing jobs may be threatened by the green transition, while employers faced challenges regarding reskilling workers and commercial viability.

In response to the findings, NTUC outlined several recommendations on its role in the green transition. These included creating a comprehensive transition plan through NTUC CTC to identify ways that companies can integrate sustainable practices and technologies, and outline the steps needed for a seamless transition.

MOU Drives New ARC Framework for Promoting Sustainability

Together with the MOU, NTUC also launched a new Awareness, Resources, Community (ARC) framework offering sustainability solutions to employers and enabling workers to benefit from training.

In partnership with Grant Thornton, NTUC’s ARC Framework seeks to:

a) Create Awareness on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) through learning journeys, brown bag sessions and infographics, facilitating understanding of sustainability initiatives and its significance for businesses.

b) Channel Resources from NTUC Training and Placement (T&P) Ecosystem’s network of partners with ESG solutions, harness consultancy solutions from Grant Thornton, and leveraging NTUC CTC Grant.

c) Foster a Community through Community of Practices (COPs) and networking opportunities to facilitate collective learning and capacity building. This allows for the exchange of best practices, challenges and innovative solutions, as well as raising awareness about utilising CTC for sustainability initiatives.

Grant Thornton will also equip NTUC’s Industry Training Officers with skills and capabilities to facilitate and assess companies’ ESG readiness. This will be conducted through a complimentary ESG Diagnostics Assessment certified by CRIF, a global leader in credit bureau, business information, and credit risk solutions.

After the assessment, companies at different stages of their sustainability journey can select a consultancy and software service package – ranging from Learner, Ready to Champion - to discern their next step in their sustainability journey. This may include developing sustainability strategies and initiatives or implementing actionable plans. The NTUC CTC Grant can provide up to 70% funding support2 for businesses looking to adopt new technologies and software to drive workforce and enterprise transformation. Eligible companies should demonstrate commitment to enhancing productivity, innovation, or capability, while enabling workers to benefit from wage increments or career development plans.

NTUC and Grant Thornton to Support Employers in their Sustainability Goals, where Workers can Benefit from Training and Job Opportunities

For the employers, the ARC Framework would let them benefit from professional assessment, consultancy services and funding support to implement their sustainability initiatives and programmes. Companies can also tap on NTUC’s T&P Ecosystem to access a network of training partners and resources, enabling them to leverage a range of sustainability-focused training programmes and tools to empower workers to upskill in tandem with business transformation.

For the workers, both job security and opportunities in the green economy are pivotal. Through the ARC Framework, they can tap into a wealth of training options in sustainability courses and certifications offered by over 20 training partners. According to NTUC LearningHub’s Industry Insights Reports, sustainability skills are in demand across various sectors, including transportation (electric vehicles)3 and tourism4. The Future Jobs & Skills Report further reveals that among 200 business leaders surveyed, 58% are hiring or intending to hire for green job roles . Despite the promising employment outlook across the emerging economies, 81% of these leaders face difficulty in filling roles due to a shortage of talent5, underscoring the importance for skills upgrading. Thus, there is a role for this partnership between NTUC and Grant Thornton.

NTUC Deputy Secretary-General Desmond Tan said, “This strategic partnership serves as a catalyst for companies to confidently pursue sustainable business transformations by leveraging the NTUC Company Training Committees. Workers can also look forward to greater career growth and longevity in new or redesigned roles. This creates a win-win outcome where businesses thrive, Singapore prospers, and our workers enjoy better wages, welfare and work prospects.”

Belinda Tan, Chief Executive Officer at Grant Thornton Singapore said, “We are proud to partner with NTUC to bring this sustainability framework to life. Through this collaboration, we can help companies of varying sizes become more sustainable, not only for the benefit of the world but also for their own business resilience.”

The event also featured a panel discussion on “Workforce Resilience in the Green Economy”. About 50 senior management partners from various sectors and industries, including banking, built environment, energy, land connectivity, maritime, and technology, participated in the event. During the discussion, industry thought leaders and experts including Ms Caryn Lim, NTUC Assistant Secretary-General and CEO of NTUC’s e2i (Employment and Employability); Ms Esther An, Chief Sustainability Officer, City Developments Limited; and Mr Kenneth Ng, Global Sustainability Lead, Razer Inc., offered insights on the role of businesses in cultivating greener initiatives, building a resilient workforce, facilitating training and education for workers, as well as creating employment opportunities. The session was moderated by Hong Tin Wei, Associate Director, ESG and Sustainability Lead, Grant Thornton.


[1] NTUC EWMC report, 29 September 2023

[2] Company Training Committee Grant

[3] NTUC LearningHub, Industry Insights Report 2023 for Electric Vehicles, 20 July 2023,

[4] NTUC LearningHub, Industry Insights Report 2024 for Tourism, 29 February 2024,

[5] NTUC LearningHub, Future Jobs & Skills Report, 5 October 2023,